Look, Feel and Taste! - You Cannot Hide the Real Gelato Flavors

It is the look of the food that matters as much as the taste. Therefore, when you devour a gelato, make sure that you do it correctly so that you can make the most of the intended taste. Let us see how you scoop it and lick it.

While gelato making is an art, the art of eating gelato too cannot be ignored, for this is an integral part of the gelato experience. Understandably, people cannot resist and pounce on their gelato cup or cones the minute it is handed to them. But slow down and before you actually hold the gelato in your hand, quickly read our article to make no mistakes.

Test one

Let us start from the very beginning, which is the look. The appearance of the gelato matters, though the argument goes that almost all gelatos look delicious and irresistible. Yes, whether they are with eggs or egg-free desserts they all look awesome. With natural colors, without natural colors, emulsified and looking tempting in brightness that makes your mouth water. So looks count and that is easy to achieve and fool. What next?

Test two

When scooped in your cup or cone, do you notice lumps? Don’t mistake the cut fruits, berries or chocolates. By lumps, we mean unmixed tight hard particles that would totally ruin the taste. Watch out carefully. You have to cultivate discerning eyes.

Test three

The smell. Does the smell inspire your mouth to water and dig into the gelato scooping out a spoonful? More importantly, does it justify the flavor your ordered? A banana does not smell of Vanilla, or strawberry of apricot. Yes, strangely it might seem odd, but some great fusionist can pull off that stunt with aplomb. If you want to buy it, it is up to you.

Test four

Now coming to the real thing. Does it ting in the mouth as if hard enough to not melt? Overpowered with coldness, so frozen that you forget the flavors and try your best to tackle the ice inside. Or it is soft and just the right temperature, that melts warmly in the mouth letting out its flavors and mixing passionately with the warmth of your palette? Don’t commit yourself, check if the taste is real or achieved through artificial flavors. Gelatos essentially use fresh products. So that matters. See how long the flavor lasts in your mouth with a single scoop. Real fruits will linger for a long, long time while the artificial flavors have a shorter run. Is the water consistency high or does the gelato feel a lot creamier? If it is creamy, observe if it leaves a fatty residue inside. To confirm wait for 5 seconds and take the next scoop, now feel the sweetness too. Too sweet is not good, neither is less sweet. You know what the right sweetness is. So, start judging. Now mark your gelato on a scale of 1 to 10.


Most of the flavors in OMGelato, the frozen dessert shop in Plano, have received a ranking of over 8 even from first-time visitors. The taste has delighted and inspired them to repeat their gelato and the wide offerings in flavors have ensued continued visits. Yes, quality has a way of winning over everything. Honesty pays at the end of the day. Visit https://omgelato.net/ for a real gelato experience.


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