The Powerhouse of Flavors - Dairy Free and Egg Free
A misconception nursed by many from times immemorial is that flavorful and tasty ice cream cannot be made without eggs or dairy. Well, dairy free ice cream and egg free ice cream is soon substituting milk based ice creams. Here’s more about it. The change is big and significant. Many people are now opting for plant based foods as against animal based foods. The numbers state that 40 percent of Americans now have a preference for plant based diet, which equals to quitting dairy products, meat and eggs. Dairy Free Ice cream One product that has witnessed a sea of change due to this shift over is the all time favorite dessert; Ice cream. It marked the advent of eggs free ice cream and dairy free ice cream. Dairy free ice cream sounds weird, as ice cream and milk are almost synonymous to each other. It sounds like pizza without cheese and creamy without cream. However, experts have made it possible. For; human bodies are not designed to digest animal milk. Almond milk, coconut milk and ot...